The First Metatarsophalangeal joint is located at the base of the big toe. This joint helps with toe-off when walking. This is often the site of a bunion or arthritic changes within the joint. If arthritis is present, there will be damage or degenerative changes to the joint cartilage which can become thin and eventually allow bone on bone contact.
1st MTP joint arthritis causes pain, swelling and stiffness that is most noticeable when walking or running. It may affect both feet.
Surgery is considered in the later stages of charcot foot when there is significant pain and deformity.
Removing bony prominences that are interfering with proper weight distribution
Achilles tendon lengthening
Releasing the tension on the tendon to reduce the stress on the bones of the foot
Fusion surgery
Using screws and plates to connect the bones that are causing pain during movement by stopping them from moving
All surgery has risks involved, however every effort is made to reduce these risks. Risks include but are not limited to:
There are increased risks of surgery in diabetics, smokers, significant peripheral vascular disease, severe neuropathy, previous or current infection which may preclude a patient from surgery.
View FootForward for Diabetes (run by Diabetes Australia) for more information on foot care.
For all appointments and enquiries, please phone 07 5645 6913 or email
9 Kinloch Avenue
Benowa QLD 4217
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